Tuesday, February 22, 2011

don’t chase me, unless you’re ready to catch me.

kekadang aku ingin dicintai.. tetapi perasaan untuk mencintai da hampir hilang.. bolehkah hanya dicintai tp tidak mencintai.. hahaha.. ngarut daa..

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

i love being single

I wish SINGLE is a person so i could love it even more... i wish..

actually.. single is better than having a partner that won't love me forever
 i dun wan't tie myself with someone who really doesn't love me.. hate it..

 i'm so single that i don't even want a partner..when i become a billionaire, and still single. not a single penny would be wasted. hahaha.. i like it..

 i have all the time to spend with myself.. ALONE.. no need think bout him.. 
i have the love of my family that won't leave me.. not like him.. always lie and leave me..

hmm... actually.. 

Being single is pretty good. It's a nice sense of irresponsibility
Being single used to mean that nobody wanted me

but.. the truth is

 i'm pretty sexy and taking time deciding how i want my life to be and who i want to spend it with..


I don’t like to be labeled as lonely just because I am alone...
Sometimes i have to stand alone to prove that i can still stand..

they tell me i won't be single for long.but, here it is, i'm already dead. still single.. hahaha.. it's ok..

p/s : dont loose hope for ur love

Thursday, January 6, 2011

text .. msg .. sms..

hm.. I hate how the person who i’m texting takes FOREVER to reply, or not replies at all. haha.. payah sangat ke nak reply.. kadang2 pelik dengan sikap manusia.. bila kita msg, xde response. bila kita senyap cari kita.. 
i love it when you text me first, cause then i know you're thinking about me.. haha.. ~~kalau ada..selalunye tiada..

it's amazing how a single text can change my mood completely...

a simple hello could lead to a million things

p/s : Why do men chase women they have no intention of marrying?For the same reason dogs chase cars they have no intention of driving.

Monday, January 3, 2011

i want a perfect ending

manusia sering memperkatakan tentang keberanian..namun masih ramai juga memperkatakan tentang ketakutan. dalam keributan manusia mengharungi susah payah perjalanan dalam kehidupan.. aku masih dan sering berasa takut. takut dengan pertemuan, takut juga dengan kehilangan. paling aku takut ialah menghadapi realiti kehidupan. dulu aku sering berharap cerita dongeng itu menjadi sebuah realiti dan bukan lg hanya fantasi. tetapi kini aku mengharapkan sebaliknya. paling aku takuti adalah masa silam..juga masa depan.. aku hanya inginkan sebuah pengakhiran yang sempurna. 

i'm lost..lost in dreams and reality.. i'm afraid to look back.. afraid to look ahead... :(

Saturday, January 1, 2011

welcome 2011

azam saya tahun ini

  • mahu jadi org baik
  • tak tinggal solat
  • kurangkan ber FB
  • rajin bekerja
  • kumpul duit (nk kaya)
  • cari jodoh
mari jayakan bersama. yeaahhh!!!